nthia braindumps

[ nthia.dev ] [ rss ]
vec3 swizzles as matrices
exhaustively enumerated matrices for every vec3 swizzle
contact manfold for 3d collisions
calculate the contact manifold with polygon clipping on convex hull collisions in 3d
convex hull collisions in 3d
test for 3d collisions by separating axes, generating a contact point and minimum translation vector
a concise LR(1) parser
turn a grammar into an AST in under 200 lines of code
using gnu units for hormone calculations
using the units command to convert hormonal blood test results
augmenting timestamp sorting with causality
improving sorting by timestamp for messages generated on devices where clocks may disagree
writing wasm as raw bytes
making a program from scratch to generate a binary wasm library
using pgp in direct messages
how to drive gpg manually on the command-line to encrypt messages on any platform